The Beholder

Between the Subjective and the Objective

The Miracle of Teddy Bear: A Realistic Portrayal of a Gay Man’s Life

Netflix’s The Miracle of Teddy Bear is quite different from the usual BL series which do not discuss the real problems faced by gay people. The Miracle of Teddy Bear discusses the issues that the LGBTQIA+ community face in their families and society. The drama also throws light into domestic abuse, mental health issues, childhood trauma etc.

The Plot

The protagonist, Nut is a screenwriter in an entertainment company. He had to suppress his identity since his childhood due to his physically abusive father and an indecisive mother which makes him a bitter person. Although his life seems to be going well from the outside, he has many unresolved childhood trauma that holds him back. One day all of a sudden, his teddy bear turns into a human by a miracle. The drama focuses on how Nut evolves and heals after this “human” bear enters his life.

A Shot from The Miracle of Teddy Bear {Image Source:}

The Screenplay

The screenplay is written well in some aspects but crammed with a million things in the story. There are many things that the writers could have avoided. For instance, the murder, infidelity, and flashbacks of the mother’s love story were not necessary to drive the point home. But a few aspects like Nut’s character arc is well written.

Poster of The Miracle of Teddy Bear { Image Source:}

The writers portray the contrast between the life of gay men who come from supportive families and non-supportive families. Nut’s best friend Gen is a happy young gay man with an extremely supportive family. Gen is a complete contrast to Nut. Gen’s love interest Song also has a supportive father who tries to understand his perspective even when he is not completely okay with him being gay. Nut on the other hand always got beaten up by his father for “acting” gay. His mother was also not strong enough to oppose her husband and hence Nut’s life was miserable since childhood. Although his father had died, the friction between the mother and son still persists.

The drama also discusses the issues faced by gay men in society, people forcing them to come out even if they are not ready.

The Performances

Job Thuchapon Koowongbundit’s portrayal of Nut is impressive and beyond words in many places. He rocked in emotional scenes, especially the ones with his mother. In Sarin Ronnakiat who played Taoho was not bad. As he was a teddy bear who just turned into a human, his lack of expression in many emotional scenes could be justified. Um Apasiri Nitibhon delivers an admirable performance as Nut’s mother who is forgetful and has a strained relationship with her son. All the supporting cast have also done justice to their roles.

{Image Source:}


There are some problematic elements in the drama. For instance, Nut always physically abuse Taoho when he is angry. Although his actions are not glorified by the writers, they try to justify it through Taoho. Taoho always goes back to Nut even if he is physically abused multiple times.

The episodes are sometimes lagging because of the unnecessary murder plot and flashbacks. Some of the subplots could have been avoided to not confuse the viewer with a million things.

If you are looking for a regular light-hearted BL, this drama is not for you. But if you are interested in watching the reality of gay people in life, then this is a must-watch for you.


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  1. […] The Miracle of Teddy Bear: A Realistic Portrayal of a Gay Man’s Life A screenshot from the drama [Source: YouTube} […]